After that, a paranoid schizophrenic nightkin named Tabitha progressively turned the satellite array into a fortress against all outsiders. The leader of the community, Marcus, was pushed out. Over time, nightkin and the second generation super mutants trickled into Black Mountain, which eventually caused problems. After the fall of the Master, many of the first generation super mutants headed east, and here they were able to find a place to set up a camp. This area was so irradiated that no one survived in it. The most powerful is the New California Republic Defense Force which provides most of the protection for the NVU and is where most of their weapons and supplies come from after the Gun Runners and Boomers.Black Mountain was unoccupied for over a century after the war. The New Vegas Union is protected by the various militaries, militias and armed groups that make up all member factions of the alliance.

This setback combined with the fact that the NVU was supported by the Enclave Remnants and the Boomers at the Second Battle The Legion was struck with an ICBM from The Divide and suffered catastrophic damage. The Courier wanted every possible advantage against the Legion so in addition to gaining the support of as many factions as possible, the Courier also acquired advanced technology from Big MT, nuclear weapons from The Divide and Archimedes II from HELIOS One. House and the Courier founded the New Vegas Union and intended to unite every major faction opposed to the Legion and assist the NCR in defending Hoover Dam. House was aware of this and with the aid of the Courier he used the Platinum Chip to upgrade his securitron army. The NCR was spread thin and not prepared to defend Hoover Dam. In the later months of 2281, Caesar's Legion was preparing to attack Hoover Dam and gain control of New Vegas.